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This is a list of the tables of contents for the six published proceedings of the North European Symposium on Archaeological Textiles (NESAT). It is listed simply as a convenience for people researching European textile archaeology who may be unaware of the specific contents of any NESAT volume. (Please note that capitalization of article titles follows the original listings scrupulously.)

This document is a work in progress. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, the author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

North European Symposium on Archaeological Textiles


Bender Jørgensen, Lise, and Tidow, Karl, eds. Archäologische Textilfunde 6.5-8.5.1981. Textilsymposium Neumünster [NESAT 1]. Neumünster: Textilsymposium Neumünster, 1982.

Vorwort von Dr. Karl-Heinz Harbeck
Textiles from 500 B.C. - 1000 A.D.
John-Peter Wild: "Some New Light on Roman Textiles"
Lise Bender Jørgensen: "A New Textile Material from Danish Iron Age Graves"
Elisabeth Munksgaard: "The Gallic Coat from Rønbjerg"
Karen-Hanne Nielsen: "The Rønbjerg Garment in Tunic-Form"
Bente Magnus: "A Chieftain's Costume"
Inger Raknes Pedersen: "The Analyses of the Textiles from Evebø / Eide, Gloppen, Norway"
Anne Stine Ingstad: "The Functional Textiles from the Oseberg Ship"
Marta Hoffmann: "Lebende Tradition als Quelle für die Erkenntnis des Gebrauchs obsoleter Geräte"
W. Haio Zimmermann: "Archäologische Befunde frühmittelalterlicher Webhäuser"
Medieval Textiles (ca 1000 - 1500)
Anne Kjellberg: "Medieval Textiles from the Excavations in the Old Town of Oslo"
Sandra Y.Vons-Comis: "Medieval Textile Finds from the Netherlands"
Klaus Tidow: "Untersuchungen an Wollgeweben aus Schleswig und Lübeck"
Märta Lindström: "Medieval Textile Finds in Lund"
Frances Pritchard: "Textiles from Recent Excavations in the City of London"
Jerzy Maik: "Zum Untersuchungsstand der mittelalterlichen Textilkunde in Polen"
Costumes/General Problems
Michael L. Ryder: "European Wool Types from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages"
Jentina E. Leene and Sandra Y. Vons-Comis: "Conservation of Archaeological Textiles"
Hans-Jürgen Hundt: "Uber die Einbettung extrem brüchiger Textilreste in Kunstharz"
Inga Hägg: "Einige Bemerkungen über die Birkatracht"
Else Østergaard: "The Medieval Everyday Costumes of the Norsemen in Greenland"
Margareta Nockert: "Some New Observations about the Bocksten Costume"
Brigitta Schmedding: "Die Restaurierung eines mittelalterlichen textilen Grabfundes"
Fritze Lindahl: "Three Late Medieval Chasubles from Danish Churches"


Bender Jørgensen, Lise; Magnus, Bente; and Munksgaard, Elisabeth, eds. Archaeological Textiles: Report from the 2nd NESAT Symposium 1.-4.V.1984. Arkaeologiske Skrifter 2. Købnhavn: Arkaeologisk Institut, 1988.

Karen-Hanne Nielsen: "Melhøj--An Unheeded Parallel to Skrydstrup"
W. Haio Zimmermann: "Frühe Darstellungen vom Gewichtswebstul auf Felszeichnungen in der Val Camonica, Lombardei"
Hubert Masurel: "Vorlegung eines Indexes für zwei Gewebefragments"
Elisabeth Munksgaard and Else Østergaard: "Textiles and Costume from Lønne Hede: An Early Roman Iron Age Burial"
John Peter Wild and Lise Bender Jørgensen: "Clothes from the Roman Empire: Barbarians & Romans"
Anne Stine Ingstad: "Textiles from Oseberg, Gokstad and Kaupang"
Frances Pritchard: "Silk Braids and Textiles of the Viking Age from Dublin"
Jerzy Maik: "Frümittelalterlichen Textilwaren in Wolin"
Inga Hägg: "Textilfunde als Spiegel der Gesellschaft: Erwägungen über das Beispiel Haithabu"
Klaus Tidow: "Neue Funde von mittelalterlichen Wollegeweben aus Norddeutschland"
Sandra Y. Vons-Comis: "Differences in Social Status Reflected in Postmedieval Archaeological Textiles"
Aud Bergli: "Medieval Textiles from the Finnegarden Excavation at Bryggen, Bergen"
Ellen Schølberg: "Elementary Statistical Methods as a Tool in Describing Separate Textile Finds in Relation to Comparative Find Collections"
Marta Hoffmann: "Textile Implements: Identification in Archaological finds and Interpretation in Pictorial Sources"
Anne Hedeager Madsen: "The Wool Material in the Archaological Textile Finds"
Hannelore Hermann: "Textile Grabfunde in Arbeitsbereich des Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege"
Egon Hansen: "Technical Variations in Pre-Medieval Tablet-Weaving"
Participants in the symposium


Walton, Penelope, and Wild, John P., eds. Textiles in Northern Archaeology: NESAT III Textile Symposium in York 6-9 May 1987. London: Archetype Publications, 1990.

Lise Bender Jørgensen: "Stone-Age textiles in North Europe"
Udelgard Körber-Grohne: "Textiles, fishing nets, wickerwork and rope from the Neolithic sites of Hornstaad and Wangen on Lake Constance (Bodensee): botanical investigations"
Egon H. Hansen: "Nalebinding: definition and description"
Carmen Alfaro: "Weaving systems in South-West Europe: Prehistoric to Roman"
George W. Taylor: "Reds and purples: from the classical world to pre-conquest Britain"
Elisabeth Crowfoot: "Textile fragments from 'relic-boxes' in Anglo-Saxon graves"
Helen M. Stevens: "Maaseik reconstructed: a practical investigation and interpretation of 8th-century embroidery techniques"
Penelope Walton: "Textile production at Coppergate, york: Anglo-Saxon or Viking?"
Gertrud Grenander Nyberg: "Spinning implements of the Viking Age from Elisenhof in the light of ethnological studies"
Elizabeth Heckett: "Some silk and wool head-coverings from Viking Dublin: uses and origins--an enquiry"
Elisabeth Munksgaard: "The costumes depicted on gold-sheet figures (guldgubbar)"
Anne Hedeager Madsen: "Women's dress in the Viking period in Denmark, based on the tortoise brooches and textile remains"
Anna Zarina: "Herstellungsmethoden der in Gräberfeldern des 3-13Jh. im Gebiet Lettlands gefundenen Gewebe"
Marie Kostelnikova: "Eine kurzfasste Übersicht über die Textilforschung in Mahren (Tsecholowakei)"
Jerzy Maik: "Medieval English and Flemish textiles found in Gdansk"
Jacek Moszczynski: "Die Gewebe aus dem Gräberfeld des 12.-16. Jh. in Stary Brzesc, Wojewodschaft Wloclawek"
Anneliese Streiter: "Eine mittelalterliche Abtsmitra aus Braunschweig: Bergung, Konservierung und Rekonstruktion/Nachbildung"
Frances Pritchard: "Patterned cloths from 14th-century London"
Klaus Tidow: "Spätmittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Textilfunde aus Lübeck und ihre früheren Verwendungen"
Sandra Y. Vons-Comis: "Seventeenth-century garments from grave 579, Zeeuwse Uitkijk, Spitsbergen"
Else Østergard: "The coffins of two royal children in Roskilde cathedral"
Elizabeth E. Peacock: The Svalbard textile conservation project"
Karen-Hanne Stærmose Nielsen: "The benefit of meeting with a Kurdish immigrant woman weaver, from the point of view of a research worker in the field of prehistoric looms"
Elisabeth Munksgaard: "A tandem accelerator dating"
Bill Cooke and Brenda Lomas: "The evidence of wear and damage in ancient textiles"
List of participants


Bender Jørgensen, Lise, and Munksgaard, Elisabeth, eds. Archaeological Textiles in Northern Europe: Report from the 4th NESAT Symposium 1.-5. May 1990 in Copenhagen. Tidens Tand 5. Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, 1992.

Antoinette Rast-Eicher: "Neolitische Textilien im Raum Züich"
Carmen Alfaro: "Two Copper Age Tunics from Lorca, Murcia (Spain)"
Klaus Tidow: "Wollgewebe aus dem bronzezeitlichen Baumsargfund von Harrislee bei Flensburg"
Hubert Masurel: "Zur Materialauswahl der Weber von Apremont"
Lise Bender Jørgensen: "Pre-Roman Iron Age Textiles in Europe North of the Alps"
Karol Pieta: "Keltische Textilreste mit Stickereien aus Nove Zamsky, Südslowakei"
John Peter Wild: "Vindolanda 1985-1989: First Thoughts on New Finds"
Anne Hedeager Krag: "Three Danish Graves with Textiles from the 3rd-4th Centuries AD"
Mytte Fentz: "An 11th Century Linen Shirt from Viborg Søndersø, Denmark"
Frances Pritchard: "Aspects of the Wool Textiles from Viking Age Dublin"
Jerzy Maik: "Frühmittelalterliche Noppengewebe aus Oppole in Schlesien"
Gertrud Grenander-Nyberg: "Soumak Technique in Swedish Medieval Textiles"
Natalia Khvoschchinskaia: "New Finds of Medieval Textiles in the North of Novgorod Land"
Gisela Jaacks: "Kostümgeschichtliche Undersuchung der Lübecker Textilfunde"
Inger Raknes Pedersen: "Silk Threads on Leather Objects from the Middle Ages"
Ellen Schjølberg: "The Wools in Some Medieval Textiles from Bryggen in Bergen, Norway"
Elizabeth Wincott Heckett: "An Irish 'Shaggy Pile' Fabric of the 16th Century--An Insular Survival?"
Johanna Banck: "Die mittelalterlichen Textilfunde aus der Latrinengrube des Augustiner Klosters in Freiburg in Breisgau"
Anna Zarina: "Frühe Funde von Trittwebstühlen in Lettland"
Annalies Goldmann: "Experimente am Gewichts-, Rund- und Trittwebstuhl im Mittelalterlichen Museumsdorf Düppel"
Elizabeth E. Peacock: "Drying Archaeological Textiles"
Heidemarie Farke: "Zur Präparation und Rekonstruktion archäologischer Textilfunde asus dem Thüringer Raum"
William D. Cooke and Elizabeth E. Peacock: "Quantitative Research in Ancient Textiles and Freeze Drying"
Marie Kostelnikova: "Einblicke ins Alltagsleben vorceitlicher Menschen beim Studium von Textilfunden"
Anne Batzer & Lis Dokkedal: "The Warp-Weighted Loom: Some New Experimental Notes"
List of Participants


Jaacks, Gisela, and Tidow, Klaus. Archäologische Texilfunde--Archaeological Textiles: Textilsymposium Neumünster 4.-7.5. 1993. NESAT V. Neumünster: Textilmuseum Neumünster, 1994.

Helga Hein: "Eröffnung des Textilsymposiums 1993"
Hartmut Unterlehberg: "Begrüßung"
Carmen Alfaro Giner: "Industrie oder Handwerk?"
Antoinette Rast-Eicher: "Gewebe im Neolithikum" Anette Müller: "Geflechte und Gewebe aus Hornstaad/Hörnle I"
Thea Gabra-Sanders: "Textiles and fibres from the late bronze age hoard from St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland"
Johanna Banck: "Die Textilfunde aus dem Hallstattzeitlichen Fürstengrab von Hochdorf, Gemeinde Eberdingen (Kreis Ludwigsburg)"
Lise Ræder Knudsen: "Analysis and reconstruction of two tabletwoven bands from the celtic burial hochdorf"
John-Peter Wild: "A hairmoss cap from Vindolanda"
Heidemarie Farke: "Ein zweitausendjähriges Bekleidungsstück-- Beobachtungen nach der Präsentation einer Ausstellung"
Inga Hägg: "Friesisches Tuch"
Mytte Fentz: "Viking age replicas in research and communication"
Lise Bender Jørgensen: "Ancient costumes reconstructed"
Anne Hedeager Krag: "Reconstruction of a Viking Magnate Dress"
Heidi Stolte: "Das Ärmeltuch des Bischofs Ulrich von Augsburg-- Musternachbildung eines Brettchengewebes"
Anna Zarina: "Neue Funde der Lettgallischen Männertracht aus dem 11. Jahrhundert"
Annelies Goldmann: "Das Manteltuch des Tempelritters, Textilfragmente aus einer Berliner Dorfkirche"
Elizsabeth Wincott Heckett: "Medieval Textiles from Waterford City"
Frances Pritchard: "Weaving Tablets from Roman London"
Jette Arneborg and Else Østergård: "Notes on Archaeological finds of textiles and textile equipment from the norse western Settlement in Greenland"
Elsa E. Guðjónsson: "Warp-Weighted looms in Iceland and Greenland"
Renata Windler: "Spätmittelalterliche Webkeller in der Altstadt von Winterthur (Kanton Zürich)"
Gertrud Grenander-Nyberg: "Prehistoric and early medieval features in the construction of the oldest north-european treadle looms"
Jerzy Maik: "Untersuchungen an mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Textilfunden aus Ausgrabungen in Elblag (Elbing)"
Frieda Sorber: "Textile finds from the Antwerp Cathedral"
Karen-Hanne Stærmose Nielsen: "The Notorious Rønebjerg garment--once again"
Elizabeth Peacock: "SEM-EDS analysis of Metal threads from Trondheim"


Bender Jørgensen, Lise, and Rinaldo, Christina, eds. Textiles in European Archaeology: Report from the 6th NESAT Symposium, 7-11th May 1996 in Borås.GOTARC Series A, Vol. 1. Göteborg: Göteborg University Department of Archaeology, 1998.

Prehistoric and Roman
Dominique Cardon: "Neolithic Textiles, Matting & Cordage from Charavines, Lake of Paladru, France"
Solveig K. Ehlers: "Bronzezeitliche Textilien aus Schleswig-Holstein"
Elizabeth Wincott Heckett: "A Late Bronze Age Horsehair Ornament from Cromaghs, Armoy in Ireland"
Katharina von Kurzynski: "Neue Textilien aus den eisenzeitlichen Salzbergwerken von Hallstatt und vom Dürrnberg (Österreich)"
Antoinette Rast-Eicher: "Keltischen Textilien in der Schweiz"
Sophie Desrosiers & Alexandra Lorquin: "Gallo-Roman Period Archaeological Textiles found in France"
Lena Larsson Lovén: "Male and Female Professions in the Textile Production of Roman Italy"
Lise Ræder Knudsen: "An Iron Age Cloak with Tablet-woven Borders: a New Interpretation of the Method of Production"
John Peter Wild, W.D. Cooke, C.R. Cork & L. Fang Lu: "Vindolanda: Some Results of the Leverhulme Trust Programme"
Migration Period and Viking Age
Heidemarie Farke: "Der Männerkittel aus Bernuthsfeld--Beobachtungen während einer Restaurierung"
Ulla Mannering: "The Textiles from Nørre Sandegaard Vest"
Johanna Banck: "Ein merowingerzeitlicher Baumsarg aus Lauchheim/Ostalbkreis--Zur Bergung und Dokumentation der Textilfunde"
Anne Hedeager Krag: "Dress and Power in Prehistoric Scandinavia, c. 550-1050 AD"
Klaus Tidow: "Kleingemusterte Woll- und Leinengewebe aus der Eisenzeit und dem Mittelalter--Herkunft, Herstellung und Verbreitung"
Antja Bartel: "Das Tüllengefäss von Pfakofen, Lkr. Regensburg--ein seltener Fund aus dem frühen Mittelalter"
Anna Zarina, "Neue Materialen für das Entwicklungsschema der Latgallischen Schultertücher aus dem 7.-13. Jh"
Phillippa A. Henry: "Textiles as Indices of Late Saxon Social Dynamics"
Eva Andersson: "Textile Production in Late Iron Age Scania--a Methodological Approach"
Thea Gabra-Sanders: "A review of Viking-Age textiles and fibres from Scotland: an interim report"
Mona Mortensen: "'When they speed the Shuttle': The role of textile production in Viking Age society, as reflected in a pit house from Western Norway"
Medieval and Later
Susan Möller-Wiering: "Mittelalterliche Zwirngewebe aus Nygenstad an der Elbe"
Ellen Schjølberg: "12th century Twills from Bergen, Norway"
Jerzy Maik: "Westeuropäische Wollgewebe im mittelalterlichen Elblag (Elbing)"
Annelies Goldmann: "Die Skudde. Eine alte mittel- und osteuropäische Landschafrasse"
Gisela Jaacks: "Mittelalterliche Bilder als Quelle"
Aud Bergli & Inger Raknes Pedersen: "The Textiles from the Ruins of Hamar Cathedral"
Marta Pytlewicz: "Polish Textiles from Coin Hoards of the 10th-17th Centuries"
Irita Zeiere: "Neue Funde der Nordkurländischen Frauentracht aus dem 13. Jahrhundert"
Saule Urbanaviciene: "Holiday Clothing of Lithuanian Country Women in the 15th-16th centuries"
Magorzata Grupa: "Textiles from the 16th-18th Century form the Benedictine Monastery in Lubin, Leszno Viovodeship"
Gertrud Grenander-Nyberg: "Dutch Looms for Sailcloth from the 16th and 17th Centuries: A Comparison with Medieval Archaeological finds"
Christina Westheden-Olausson: "The Vasa's Sails"
Frances Pritchard: "William Morris and the Warp-Weighted Loom"
List of Participants

This page was created on 21 September 1999 and last updated on 14 January 2000.

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