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Switching Punctuation mode

So thanks to your clear description of how to reproduce the problem,
tracking down this long standing bug was easy --- at some point the
make-variable-buffer-local for dtk-punctuation-mode
had gotten lost.

I've added it  and checked it in --- I believe this bug may have been
present throughout i.e. for the last 13 years :-)

Kudos to you again for helping spot it--


On 10/1/08, Tyler Spivey <tspivey@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I'm trying to set the punctuation
> mode to none, and keep it there for anything that doesn't override it. I
> press C-u C-e d p none RET, which should set it globally and also
> locally for the current buffer. This appears to work, and from skimming
> the code I know that switching to a programming mode should set it back
> to all locally which is what I want. The problem comes when I switch out
> of the programming mode, such as elisp-mode, into something else - all
> punctuation is being spoken again and I have to keep hitting C-e d p
> none RET in some newly created buffers. It seems that I only have to do
> this in buffers which don't have dtk-punctuation-mode set locally,
> mainly my erc buffers. It seems like this variable is getting changed
> alot, since doing a describe-variable on it has it's global value going
> - From none to all.
> Am I just misunderstanding how this works?
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> 2YUAnR7bs2IfD9wRZy32i9KLb4T8CzJC
> =IRhB
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