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Re: Problems setting up emacspeak with espeak (or eflite)

Tim Cross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What are you using for a TTS synth? Espeak? 

Yes, and a Dectalk Express.

Incidentally, there is another free and open TTS system that a friend referred
me to, namely GNU Speech:

It was originally written for NextStep, but contributed to the FSF after the
company founded to commercialize the code ran into difficulties.

It only runs under MacOS at present and appears to be the subject of a slow,
but ongoing, porting effort.

Audio samples are available here, as well as a research paper

and a status report

I personally find the audio samples difficult to understand. However, I
suspect a large part of this is due to the mixture of British and North
American rules currently used in the synthesizer, i.e., British phonetics
combined with a North American rule set and exception dictionary lead to very
odd pronunciations, such as the "l" and "r" sounds in "talk" and "word", for
example, and in many other places as well.

Making this system usable would require a lot of work, but the research behind
it is interesting.

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