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Re: error trying to start under X

Hello Robert and list,

The reason was that my main TTS with emacspeak is voxin, and this does
not work properly under the pulseaudio environment.  There are other
issues as well, such as increased latency time under pulseaudio.
There has been a lot of discussion about the virtues and drawbacks of pulsaudio on the orca mailing list:



RDC wrote: 

Hello Rob,

Rob Hill <robhill@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I don't have enough knowledge to debug your problem, but it may help
> to know that I have emacspeak 30.0 running both from the console and gnome
> terminal in ubuntu 9.04.  I can try to answer any direct questions you
> can think of that may be helpful.  Disabling pulseaudio was the only
> major alteration to the system I have done. 

I've not done that.  What was the reason for disabling pulseaudio?

Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

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