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Re: -q error

Hello Tim,

When I go to the customize emacs group - the one that "finds a
suitable browser" - all I see is mention of Windows anc Cywin and DOS
- I got the emacspeak file from Debian Linux.

That also confuses me!

I went and found the emacspeak executable in /usr/bin/ or in
/usr/local/bin - I forget which and ran it by using ./emacspeak and I
still got the notice that I was using the -q option and thus could not
save any customization.

Thanks for the help.


On 12/20/09, Tim Cross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi David,
> I suspect the error regarding not being able to use customize because of the
> -q option is due to you starting emacspeak with a script. At one time, there
> were some scripts floating about that did it this way.
> The solution is not to use the scripts, but to load emacspeak yourself in
> some
> elisp. You can do this from your .emacs file, but I prefer to do it from a
> system wide elisp load file so that all the emacspeak defadvice stuff is
> loaded early.  I also include some of my config stuff for emacspeak in this
> file, though these days, you can pretty much do all of that using customize.
> I put the elisp file in /etc/emacs/site-start.d on my debian and ubuntu
> boxes.
> However, it won't just drop in and work for you. It is site specific.
> However,
> it should give you an idea of how to do it.
> What I do is have a directory called svn. In that directory, I have at least
> two checked out versions of emacspeak. I check out one version, build it and
> then try it by setting the env variable to the name of that version (i.e.
> whatever I called it when checking it out of the svn repository). Then, a
> few
> days later, I might check out a second version, build it and try it out.
> Having two versions gives me some safety against a broken svn build. As I'm
> running from svn versions, I cannot guarantee they will always be stable or
> will always compile. Rather than end up with only one broken version, I flip
> between the two different versions. Tihis allows me to try the latest
> version,
> but enable me to fall back to the previous version if that is broken.
> With respect to your second question, you need to customize browse-url and
> set
> the appropriate variables so that it uses w3m raher than netscape. Solve
> your
> customize problem first and then you will be able to solve this one!
> good luck,
> Tim

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