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Possible format bug?

Hello Tim and list,

I get exactly the same faulty pronunciation as yourself when
punctuation is set to none or some.  I'm using debian lenny, emacs22,
emacspeak 31.0, tcl8.3, voxin.  



tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
 > Dear All,
 > I've just noticed an odd bit of text to speech rendering and wanted to find
 > out if anyone else has encountered it. 
 > the problem appears to only  occur if you have punctuation mode set to some or
 > none. It does not occur when punctuation is set to all
 > The exact text, cut from the web page, is
 > (format nil "~:@d" 1000000) ==> "+1,000,000"
 > In this message, emacspeak pronounces the last number as  
 > plus 1 comma zero zero zero comma zero zero zero.  when punctuation is set to all
 > However, if punctuation is set to some or none, the number is spoken as 
 > plus one million comma one hundred 
 > I suspect this problem is related to the regular expression used to strip
 > punctuation in the tcl scripts, but this is just a guess. 
 > Can someone try to read the format line above using different punctuation
 > settings and see if they get the same result. If you do or do not, please let
 > me know and specify what speech server you are using. I'm running emacs 23,
 > latest CVX version of emacspeak and the IBM outloud speech server. I'm also
 > running tcl 8.4. this is on Debian testing/unstable.
 > Once I know which servers are affected I can try to find a fix.
 > thanks,
 > Tim
 > -- 
 > Tim Cross
 > tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
 > There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they 
 > understand and those who do not understand what they manage.
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