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Emacspeak with gmail

You're correct in that using the glogin.xml in emacspeak ends up
not logging in successfully. On the positive side,
the login page you get from Google no longer defeats emacs/W.

Just invoke the URL  template "gmail inbox" and if not signed in,
it'll get you a login page first.

Note: after you sign in, re-invoke URL  template "gmail inbox"
Best Regards,

Best Regards,

On 1/21/11, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I saw Dr. Raman's blog entry about gmail here:
> http://emacspeak.blogspot.com/2007/08/emacspeak-and-gmail.html
> I edited the glogin.xml file and changed Dr. Raman's email to my own
> email and used emacspeak using C-e ? / glogin.xml to access that
> template.
> However when I enter my password and press the SUBMIT form button, I
> am taken to the google "my account" settings instead of the gmail
> folder.
> I read on the page referenced above:
> Emacs/W3 note: Note that signing in to GMail from the main GMail
> screen defeats W3. An easy work-around, and something that is more
> efficient anyway is to use the glogin.xml form found in Emacspeak ---
> use C-e ?/ in Emacspeak to pick that form. Once you're signed in to
> Google, you can:
>     * Open your inbox
>     * Perform searches to find the message you want
> I don't know what I must do after I use the glogin.xml form.
> Any help would be, of course, very helpful, I once again and lost when
> I get to the "ACCOUNT SETTINGS" page and don't even know how to go
> backwards to the glogin.xml form.
> I also don't understand why if I use M-x webjump google gmail RETURN
> and then click on the gmail link, it according to what I understand
> from the above, it defeats W3?  I have changed the setting so that my
> browser in emacs is w3.
> Again, thanks in advance for any help.
> Best wishes,
> David
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