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Re: Emacspeak on a Mac

I'm happy to report that the replacement mac module from the
e-mac-speak repository worked without blowing up.  I think there were
some other messages generated while my test phrase was spoken but I'll
have to study that further; but at least no fatal errors now.  I will
have to follow further tomorrow or the next day to get the rest of
emacspeak going.  I do have one emacs question though.  
After using homebrew to build emacs-24, I notice if I run emacs with
no command line parms, it launches into the GUI version where VO is
not usable at all.  If I use the -nw switch, then I can use it like
any normal console-exclusive emacs.  When I go to use emacspeak, how
should I run emacs? I don't remember the HOWTO document expressing
anything specific about this.  I wouldn't think I should end up in the
GUI though.

On Sat, Feb 04, 2012 at 03:34:43PM -0800, David Tseng wrote:
> My recommended way of setting up pysox is via the source (instructions
> found at):
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pysox/0.3.6.alpha
> Note the cython dependency mentioned in their README.
> If you're able to import pysox from the interpreter, then all should
> work (if not, an error message would help trace the issue further).
> This worked for me on a clean 10.7 install with sox from port.
> On 2/4/12, Steve Holmes <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I'm following the HOWTO.org file found at the emacspeak-mac site
> > (sorry, forget the URL just now) and I got as far as installing
> > pysox.  Unfortunately, I followed the step to "easy_install" and it
> > appeared to install OK except the mac speech server won't work.  I
> > have errors due to the wrong architecture.  The FIXME hints at the
> > bottom of this page suggest a manual installation of pysox and hacking
> > the arch paramater.
> >
> > My question now is, How can I remove the existing installation of
> > pysox so I can then go on with the manual steps thus outlined?
> > Everything up to this point installed fine including emacspeak itself.
> >
> > Any help appreciated.
> > Thanks much.
> >
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