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Re: emacspeak espeak newbie

The emacspeak config script doesn't really do much other than add a
few envrionment variables. If you set the necesary variables in your
.profile, you will get roughly the same outcome. The variables you
need are

EMACSPEAK_DIR, which should point to the root of your emacspeak installation.

DTK_PROGRAM which is the name of the server to use i.e. the script in
the servers directory

EMACSPEAK_PORT which is only needed for hardware synths, such as the
dectalk. It specifies the serial port to use.

All these variables need to be set and exported. You will need to
source your .profile for these values to be set (or logout and login


On 10 March 2012 22:19, Jude DaShiell <jdashiel@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Probably Liz is installing on a platform other than Debian since to my
> knowledge Debian is the only platform that includes and runs the
> emacspeak-config script that allows installers to choose their speech
> server.  I have emacspeak 34 installed on archlinux and because
> emacspeak-config wasn't run emacspeak can't find either the eflite or
> espeak servers running on this machine.  Slackware has an identical
> problem even with a full installation of it which puts tclx on the system
> and installation of espeak and portaudio latest versions emacspeak without
> the emacspeak-config script will not come up with a server in that
> instance either.  The only way I ever got emacspeak working on slackware
> was using the litetalk for my server and the emacspeak-ss-1.9.1 scripts.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------- Jude
> <jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net>
> <http://www.shellworld.net/~jdashiel/nj.html>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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