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Re: resolved: compilation issues

lsmithso@xxxxxxxxxxx <lsmithso@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> These aren't all emacsepak  specific, but are required to make it practical.
> This info is all out there but fragmented and scattered over the web. I
> think it would be useful to have it in one place, if it isn't already.

The closest to what you describe is probably http://www.emacswiki.org/
but it doesn't cover Emacspeak specifically.

The info documentation of Emacs itself and of various extensions tends to be
very good, too. The larger Emacs extensions all come with manuals in info
format, which should automatically be installed in the appropriate directory.

Most of the documentation you need is right there inside Emacs, but I find the
Emacs wiki, blog posts and other materials to be helpful also.

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