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Re: Turning Off voice-lock mode When Emacspeak Starts

Let me just check I understand the problem

You want to turn off voice lock mode, but you do want emacspeak o continue to vocalize text?

The help text for global-voice-lock-mode states

Toggle Voice-Lock mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Voice-Lock mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it.  If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Note the last sentence. "If called from lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil". 

This means, if you have something like any of the following three statements in your .emacs file

(global-voice-locak-mode nil)
(global-voice-locak-mode 1)

you will ENABLE global-voice-lock-mode. If you want to disable it, you need to use

(global-voice-lock-mode -1)

Although I have not tried it, I would probably put this at the end of my emacspeak-startup-hook definition or at the very least, put it at the end of my .emacs file so that I can be sure this is run last. 


On 17 December 2012 12:05, Littlefield, Tyler <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
this is the same sissue I was having. he wants it to be done within startup so he doesn't have to do it every time he turns on emacspeak. that global change does not save IIRC.

On 12/16/2012 6:04 PM, T.V. Raman wrote:
The following on my Linux  box just verified that things work as

1. Go to the scratch buffer
2. type global-voice-lock-mode and evaluate it by pressing C-x
C-e  if it is on it'll diplay T in the minibuffer.

3. Now, Type "testing" on the next line  and confirm that
voice-lock is taking effect -- you should hear the voice change;
pressing C-e M-v will show the personality and face at point --
do this with the cursor within the string you just typed.

4. Turn off voice lock -- M-x global-voice-lock-mode  should
display an appropriate message in the minibuffer
5. Cursor back to the line with "testing"and on my Linux box the
personality property goes away and you dont hear a voice change.

Take care,
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