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Re: Small patch to make speaking time responsive

Glad it works.

Here is a breif explanation for why the table browsing was
displaying the behavior  you reported:

I was using emacs' message to echo what was being spoken by
emacspeak to the echo area --- as a possible aid for users with
print disabilities when dealing with complex content. Yesterday I
got rid of the message call and did a simple dtk-speak; that lost
the visual display.  I just checked in another change that now
displays   what is spoken -- see function dtk-speak-and-echo 
>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Bart> Yes, There was another reason. I'm an idiot :).
    Bart> It was actually the same tts-with-punctuations bug. I
    Bart> didn't have the fix correctly loaded when I was testing
    Bart> the time function so the dtk-stop call was being
    Bart> incorrectly interpreted by the speech server and never
    Bart> happening.
    Bart> All good with the tts-with-punctuations patch applied.
    Bart> Sorry for the noise.
    Bart> Bart
    Bart> Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    >> Interesting.
    >> There must be another reason then that it isn't working
    >> with the mac speech server.
    >> I'll dig deeper into the debug from the speech server.
    >> Any ideas on why dtk-toggle-debug isn't working for me?
    >> Kind regards
    >> "T.V. Raman" <tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    >>> Bart -- you should not need the additional (dtk-stop)
    >>> call.
    >>> Reason: Look at function dtk-speak --- it *always* calls
    >>> dtk-stop-immediately -- unless you bind it to nil.
    >>> That variable is set to default by t, and command
    >>> emacspeak-speak-time does nto let bind that variable.
    >>> On 1/4/13, Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    >>>> Hi,
    >>>> I had noticed that if some text was being spoken that
    >>>> using c-e c-t to speak the time could wait for the
    >>>> current utterance to complete before the speech was
    >>>> interupted. I find this mildly annoying.
    >>>> I simply inserted a call to dtk-stop prior to the call
    >>>> to dtk-speak in emacspeak-speak-time.
    >>>> I'm not sure if this is the correct approach but it
    >>>> certainly works for me.
    >>>> Patch attached for what it's worth.
    >> Bart
    >> -- 
    >> Kind regards
    >> Bart
    Bart> Bart --
    Bart> Kind regards
    Bart> Bart

Best Regards,

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