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Emacspeak Causing Instability on the Mac

Has anyone else using the Mac experienced instability while running Emacspeak? What has been happening to me is I can run emacs and have it auto load emacspeak and it appears to be working ok but then when I Exit emacs with c-x c-c and answer Yes to the ending of running processes, I sometimes lose VoiceOver completely and have to reboot my system to get things back in order.  Sometimes, I can cycle through starting and stopping emacs several times before this crash happens.  that's why I call it instability.  One question I have here is should I be turning VoiceOver off completely while running emacs this way? I realize emacspeak has its own speech but what I generally notice is while in an emacspeak session VO is out of the way until I exit or Command-tab to another application.

What are other people seeing here?

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