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Re: program args to dtk-program

For now, let's hold off on the custom separator

Raman, without the custom separator it can't be used on Windows. Paths with spaces are common there. I suggest we stay open to all platforms. In my opinion it's better not to implement it at all, than to implement in a form that would not be fully usable.

My idea is borrowed from gcc. When you want to pass parameters to linker, you use comma as a separator. But they know that comma is never inside a parameter. I tried to make this more flexible. Possibly mplayer also does this kind of argument separator substitution.

The patch I submitted was tested on about dozen of examples. I believe it behaves correctly. Even if it does not, no-one will suffer. It's a sleeping feature. When a dev starts using it and discovers a problem, they will inform us. And it seems like there are devs thinking about new servers. They may like the feature.


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