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Help comilint emacspeak

I have a problem compiling emacs-9.0 under redhat linux 5.1.
This is the error reported:

emacs -batch -q -no-site-file  -l `pwd`/emacspeak-load-path -eval "(setq
byte-compile-dynamic t)" -f batch-byte-compile `pwd`/emacspeak.el
While compiling toplevel forms in file
  !! error (("Cannot open doc string file
make: *** [emacspeak.elc] Error 1

Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
I am new to linux and if you can try to be simpre! :)))
I am also trying to use the papollo server of the package emacspeak-ss.
Does it work correctly with emacspeak 9.0?
Really thanks!


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