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hi listers:

I just subscribed. right now I'm on a braille lite 18 &a unix shell. I
upgraded to pc & since I didn't get it from the state & don't use it for
work I could choose my operating system. I don't know anything about dos
or windows so I've chosen to learn linux & emacspeak. there's a sighted
guy here who vollunteered to install for me & he's got Mandrake 7.2 in my
machine but he's having trouble with the emacspeak installation. I don't
know what kind of trouble but he asked if anybody on this list would be
willing to walk him thru the installation step by step. he's been on the
site & has been fooling around with this for ages so it appears we really
need some help. email me privately & I'll send you his email adcress.


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