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Re: what can be done to make a blind user of linux comfortable iwth the computer system

Hi, this is Doug Smith. I have only one solution to your problem. I
know that, when I first started out using Unix systems, I got some
books from Recording For The Blind And Dislexic. They have a great
selection of Unix books that describe, in full detail, how to use a
Unix system from the command line. These books cover everything from
programming to simple end-user job performance. I don't know if you
have a membership with them, but it is well worth it. At present, I
don't know of any other solutions to this. It might be possible to
write a completely new command-line-based interface to the programs
you have on there and simply access them with a menu option. This can
be accomplished with a simple BASH script. If you want me to help you
write it, I'll be happy. 


Doug Smith: The Righteousness of GOD,
Son of GOD,
Joint Heir with CHRIST 
and Keeper Of The Light.

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