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Re: PDA running emacspeak

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Saqib Shaikh wrote:

> I haven't looked at the Sharp but ages ago the hyp said 2"linux and java
> based pda".  In this case you have a chance with FreeTTS
> (freetts.sourceforge.net).

This is true - particularly since the sharp docs say it will have
java onboard; but note that FreeTTS is, in effect, a java port of
festival lite (aka flite), so this is not all that different from
going the "direct" flite route.  In any event, in both cases you
will have to persuade the TTS to run on the PDA first, and then
develop the emacspeak driver (always assuming you have
successfully got emacs itself ported, of course).


- Barry.

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