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Re: calc or dismal with emacspeak

Hi. Well, as for dismal get the dismal 1.4 tarball, and extract it into
Then, you will need to open that directory, and then run make all on it.
Now here is the fun part.
You need to edit your .emacs file, and add in the load information.
Can't remember the load command right at this moment, but there is a 
readme in the dismal directory with that info.
Dismal is a pretty good spreadsheet, but i am still learning it.
As for w3 verses lynx I think that is a personalchoice. Although I 
feel it is more speech friendly than lynx.

On Sun, 10 Feb 2002, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> Do key bindings exist to get either going or are these something I have to
> add to my .emacspeak file?  The faq file said to run calc I think, but so
> far as I can remember did not explain how to start that up.  I'm not going
> to do anything with w3 which doesn't appear to be installed yet either
> unless someone can tell me I'll like it better than lynx if not at first
> then eventually.  If there are emacspeak users who used to use lynx and have
> given it up for w3 I'm curious as to why since I may end up following your
> path.
> Jude <dashiell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Net-Tamer V 1.13 Beta - Registered
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