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Re: Thanks but still not there yet!

On Sunday 12 May 2002 22:47, you wrote:
I ran ViaVoice from the comand line and that worked ok 
(/usr/lib/ViaVoiceTTS/samples/cmdlinespeak ./runcmdlinespeak) .   The only 
thing that has not worked is the make and make install in with the tcl 
library.  It may be an issue that I do not under stand with suse although the 
right library ffiles exist in the /usr/lib directory.



> pete sinnott writes:
>  > Hi Thanks for all your thoughts.  I found the compile log in version16
>  > of emacspeak and I thought that it might be helpful.
> From this listing it is clear that Emacspeak itself isn't reporting
> any errors. Are you sure the environment variables are set correctly?
> What are the values of DTK_PROGRAM, DTK_PORT etc.? Have you tried
> running the speech server independently of Emacspeak to find out
> whether it is working properly?

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