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Re: DAISY reader et al

You're right. But the effect may be no linux reader for some
time, because there isn't going to be DAISY 3 content for some

I think it extremely important that we put a stake in the ground
now to protect our access to this content using our OS of choice.
Of course this doesn't mean that you, Raman, should do it, but I
strongly believe someone should. 
On Tue, 14 May 2002, T. V. Raman wrote:

> I dont plan to implement Daisy2.0 because the format is
> ugly,
> and uses an HTML file for its navigation.
> This of course should not prevent anyone else building on
> what I have done in terms of a Daisy2 reader.
> >>>>> "Janina" == Janina Sajka <janina@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>     Janina> Hi, Raman: Thanks for the explanation. I know
>     Janina> that book. It's rather old, so was written to an
>     Janina> interim spec from about 3 years ago. It was an
>     Janina> influential book at the time because it
>     Janina> demonstrated important concepts we wanted to
>     Janina> capture in the spec, but it is no way
>     Janina> representative of the final ANSI Z39.86.
>     Janina> I will get you copies of reference books as soon
>     Janina> as some are available. In fact, I've already
>     Janina> asked about the status of these.  Some are in
>     Janina> process at NLS, and others will be available
>     Janina> from DAISY.  Please recognize, though, that it
>     Janina> will be some time--years actually--before
>     Janina> DAISY3/ANSI Z39.86 content is generally
>     Janina> available to patrons of various libraries for
>     Janina> the blind around the world.
>     Janina> What is available now is content encoded in
>     Janina> DAISY 2.02. I strongly suggest support for this
>     Janina> spec, because this is the spec usd by RNIB,
>     Janina> CNIB, and RFB&D, to name but a few. I'm
>     Janina> referring to thousands of titles available
>     Janina> through these programs. Some of this content is
>     Janina> text plus audio, most is audio only.
>     Janina> I can also get yopu reference content for DAISY
>     Janina> 2.02, and would be glad to do so. The spec is at
>     Janina> http://www.daisy.org/publications/specifications.asp
>     Janina> where it's available online and as a zip
>     Janina> download.
>     Janina> Here's the critical question regarding RFB&D
>     Janina> books. Are you willing to sign an NDA with DAISY
>     Janina> in order to get the spec for unpacking RFB&D
>     Janina> content?
>     Janina> Yes, they opted for an obscurity based security
>     Janina> solution.  Much could be said about why, and why
>     Janina> it should be different. But, that's another
>     Janina> discussion.
>     Janina> The point here is that RFB&D will be shipping CD
>     Janina> ROMs encoded according to an unpublished
>     Janina> specification available to developers willing to
>     Janina> sign an NDA with DAISY.
>     Janina> On Mon, 13 May 2002, T. V. Raman wrote:
>     >>  Here is what happened --
>     >> 
>     >> I ran into Markku Hakkinen at the W3C Cannes plenary
>     >> reception in early March and when I asked him on the
>     >> status of things in DaisyLand --he told me about the
>     >> myriad of commercial players being built for Windows.
>     >> So I asked him for a sample so I could write one for
>     >> Linux.
>     >> 
>     >> Along with a copy of the Daisy 3 spec, he gave me
>     >> "The complete fairy tales of Charles Perrault"
>     >> allegedly in in Daisy3 format -- after coming home I
>     >> wrote a player for it one evening.
>     >> 
>     >> I say "allegedly" above because the navigation xml
>     >> file I got from him does not validate either against
>     >> the DTD he gave me then or the eventual Daisy3 spec.
>     >> 
>     >> The functionality that is implemented is documented
>     >> in the online info pages; when and if Daisy3 content
>     >> becomes available --and that content is something I
>     >> want to read i.e., not just fairy tales-- I will
>     >> probably add to what the emacspeak daisy player does.
>     >> 
>     >> >>>>> "Janina" == Janina Sajka <janina@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>     >> writes:
>     >> 
>     Janina> Raman; Ann's question about the DAISY reader in
>     Janina> Emacspeak 16 reminds me to ask a similar
>     Janina> question of you.
>     >>
>     Janina> The docs say this is a device for reading
>     Janina> DAISY3content. But, there are yet no titles in
>     Janina> this format. Indeed, I'm not aware that DAISY
>     Janina> has yet adopted ANSI Z39.86 as DAISY3, though
>     Janina> they certainly will.
>     >>
>     Janina> So, here's the question ...
>     >>
>     Janina> What titles did you test with?
>     >>
>     Janina> --
>     >>
>     Janina> Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and
>     Janina> Development Governmental Relations Group
>     Janina> American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
>     >>
>     Janina> Email: janina@xxxxxxxxxxx Phone: (202) 408-8175
>     >>
>     Janina> Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book
>     Janina> Forum (OEBF) http://www.openebook.org
>     >>
>     Janina> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Janina> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change
>     Janina> your address on the emacspeak list send mail to
>     Janina> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject
>     Janina> of "unsubscribe" or "help"
>     >>
>     Janina> --
>     Janina> 				Janina Sajka,
>     Janina> Director Technology Research and Development
>     Janina> Governmental Relations Group American Foundation
>     Janina> for the Blind (AFB)
>     Janina> Email: janina@xxxxxxxxxxx Phone: (202) 408-8175
>     Janina> Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book
>     Janina> Forum (OEBF) http://www.openebook.org

				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Email: janina@xxxxxxxxxxx		Phone: (202) 408-8175

Chair, Accessibility SIG
Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF)

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