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outloud - process speaker not running

I have just installed RedHat 8.0 and emacspeak-16.0-2. I made sure  I 
installed tk, tcl and tclx. ViaVoice speaks when I run runcmdlinespeak. 
When I attempt 'tcl outloud' in the server directory I get the following 

Error: couldn't load file "./linux-outloud/tcleci.so": 
./linux-outloud/tcleci.so: undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0 
while executing"load $tclTTS/tcleci.so"    (file "outloud" line 287)

I got this error before and after running 'make' in the 
servers/linux-outloud directory.

The emacspeak archives record a conversation about the speech server not 
being properly linked .  Redhat was installed with the 'Workstation' 
option. Even so, it seems something vital is missing.

Thanks in advance
John Elsworth           mailto:john.elsworth@xxxxxxxxxxx

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