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RE: bookshare and daisy format

I read the bookshare "daisy" format books in w3.  (I put daisy in
quotes because from what I can tell, they are using the daisy format
without using the tags as intended and this bothers me.)

I make a copy of the .xml file with the .html extension.

I add anchor <a> tags where there are pagenum tags in the original xml
file to make navigation easier.  For fiction I often only add anchors
every 5 pages and strip out all other pagenum tags becuse I find
hearing them annoying.

Open the file in emacspeak, depending on your setup, you may need to
do "w3-preview-this-buffer".

Sometimes I have split the books up into files of 5 or 10 pages each
and then I generate links to the previous and next file at the top of
each one.  I do this because I run emacspeak on some very old hardware
with (by todays standards) minimum memory.  I find smaller chunks of
text work better under these conditions.

Hope this helps,


 Greg Priest-Dorman

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