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Re: question about emacspeak-websearch

At Fri, 26 Sep 2003 20:05:27 -0700,
T V Raman wrote:
> Those ines of code in emacspeak-websearch deserved to be deleted and
> are now gone.
Thanks for that.

> However your assertion that its presence meant that you couldn't use
> emacspeak-websearch unless w3 was installed was incorrect--
> it set up browse-url to use W3 if and only if W3 was installed.
*sigh* I didn't say that. Or at least, if I did, I didn't mean that.
I've been using emacspeak for more than enough years to be aware of the
w3 vs w3m problem. I.e. w3 has the features but, on my setup, takes way,
way too long to display web pages. Therefore, it's a productivity trade
off for me. 
My only argument was, and is still, that I did *not* want emacspeak to
change my browse-url setting unless I asked it to or I changed it
myself. My primary web browser is w3m. I will occasionally use w3 if,
and that's usually a big if, I need the advanced features, hence it's
installed. As far as I know, the xslt stuff is still in the emacspeak-w3
file anyway, therefore it's messy not to have both browsers installed. I
had no intention of causing all this trouble, I swear I didn't. I think
my ability to explain myself must've been thrown out the window in the
last couple of days or something.

> Note that some of emacspeak-websearch's functionality --in fact quite
> a lot of its advanced functionality-- may not work with w3m --
That's probably the case, yes. For good or for evil, though, I don't use
most of emacspeak-websearch's functionallity. I would say 99.9% of my
use of it involves nothing more than calling google with a single
keystroke combination. About the only advanced functionality involved there seems to
be the ability of emacspeak to jump down to the search results,
bypassing the stuff up the top. Since I really don't find going down a
couple of lines to get to my search results all that inconvenient,  I don't think that's
exactly something I'll miss. 

I honestly think next time, I'll just comment out the lines, and not say
a thing about it. It was a minor inconvenience to me that I asked about
the reason for, that's all. I'll try, very very hard, to make my
explanation clearer next time if I need to ask such a question again.

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