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problem with emacspeak and festival lite.

Hi all:
I have tryed to install festival lite with emacspeak 21.0 and eflite. The test of eflite and festival lite ar ok, and eflite runs well with yasr. I have tried to run emacspeak whith script that is in eflite installation instruction but and emacs is launched. when I tray to write, my computer produces a beep and the festival voice doesn't speak.
Does any body help me  with this problem?
thanks in advance.
Rubén Domínguez
Global Navigation Satellite Systems Unit
GMV SA,Isaac Newton 11,PTM Tres Cantos
E-28760 Madrid, SPAIN.
Ph.: +34 91 807 22 00 
Fax: +34 91 807 21 99
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