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Re: update on speech server issue

> do you have write prmissions to the device when you run emacs?
> Otherwise there is nothing else I can think of that could be
> causing this based on what you sent in your prior note.

Yes, I've chmod'ded /dev/ttyS0 to 666.  Also, testing emacspeak as root
demonstrates the same problem, so I think I've ruled out a permission issue.

Also, when I was running TCL on the dtk-exp file, it spoke just fine from
the user account.

Is there a file with any debug information?  I could not find anything useful
in syslog.  I've tried re-compiling the program several times.  The only
thing I did not try would be to rerun ldconfig after I removed the SuSE tcl/tk
packages before I rebuilt emacspeak.  Tomorrow, I could try re-installing the
entire TCL/TK/emacspeak set again to make certain it is not some sort of
strange TCL issue, but since the test script works, I have a feeling that will
not help.

The machine is at my office and shut off for tonight, so I can't check again
until morning.

Thanks for your help!  I've installed emacspeak on computers before and this
is the most frustrating problem I have encountered.


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