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Hardware Dectalk USB partially working

Hello.  I am in posession of a new hardware Dectalk USB synth device
and to keep things initially simple, I am using the RS232 serial
port.    This is on Fedora 4 with emacspeak 21 and 23.

It does speak but issues a lot of spoken error messages about phonemes
and such.  It complains on each blank line and it says the word space
before each letter when typing in char echo mode.

I'm going to investigate a lot further and will report in greater
detail when I can.

If there's a solution to these problems, please let me know.  I wasn't
able to verify that this things was emacspeak compatible before
ordering it although I did try.


Jerry Sievers   305 854-3001 (home)     WWW ECommerce Consultant
                305 321-1144 (mobile	http://www.JerrySievers.com/

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