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Re: Emacspeak in italian

Hi Veronica,

I got speechd-el speak in italian. Simply adding 
(it italian)
to the variable language-codes at the beginning of
the freebsoft utils file voice-select.scm.

Then using inside emacs the function
speechd-set-language (or the the keystrok ctrl-e d l)
and answering it to the question you get the
system speak italian.

Excuse-me if there are not enough details and don't hesitate to
ask more. However, even if I am not the moderator of
this list, I think that our discussion will
less and less concern emacspeak. Hence you might post on
speechd@xxxxxxxxxxx which is the mailing list dedicated
to the speech-dispatcher project and all connected
projects. Sure I read this list as well and
the conversation can continue.

Best regards


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