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Re: Conference Schedule for Emacspeak?

Hi Dave,
A tutorial on IRC would be great! I have heard about chatroomms  from
my wife, who is a great `chatter'; but it seems to be something beyond
the ken of a blind user. But then if Raman says it can be done, it
would be only prudent to suspend my disbelief and wait for   your

The time issue might be tricky. Raman is on PST youu are on EDT,
others in Europe are 5to 6 hours ahead of that and I am 5:30 ahead of
GMT and Tim Cross another 4 to 6 hours ahead of me, depending upon
where in Australia he resides.

But  let us see how things pan out.


PS: Even before you write your tutorial, could you post the name of a
linux-based program which can be used for IRC?

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