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Re: Future directions for browsers in emacspeak

On Sat, May 20, 2006 at 10:28:47AM +0200, Lukas Loehrer wrote:
> So, it seems that a real browser engine like khtml or gecko has to be
> employed. I mean not the part that does the rendering but only thos
> parts that fetch the page and manage the DOM. Good bindings for a
> friendly language like python, perl or ruby would be very helpful in
> such an project.
or Javascript itself, combined with API's that allow speech access to be
implemented. This is the approach taken by
There was some discussion on the Mozilla accessibility list of writing support
for Emacspeak speech servers, but nobody appears to have volunteered. Raman
noted that support for Emacspeak speech servers was already included in Orca,
implemented in Python by him.

When I find the time, I plan to install Orca and set it up to use the dtk-exp
server. This is probably off-topic for this mailing list, though, and would be
better discussed on the gnome-accessibility list.

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