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  Subject: SB Live and Creative Audigy 4

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Just for the list archives... 

the most recent version of the alsa Linux Outloud server works well
with both the Sound Blaster Live and Creative Audigy 4 cards using the
asoundrc file in the linux-outloud directory. 

In particular, the sound is stable, responsive and at a speech rate of
90, I find character echo very responsive - responsive enough for my
quite rapid typing.

It may be just my ears, but I think the Creative Audigy 4 has a nicer
tone/sound than the SB Live output. 

The atcleci.so file built without errors on both systems - one running
a blend of Debian testing/unstable and the other pure Debian testing.
An .asoundrc file was required, but simply copying the asoundrc from
the linux-outloud directory did the trick. I'm not experiencing any
pops, overruns/underruns or other problems so far. One machine is a
1Ghz AMD Athlon and the other a 3.2Ghz Intel. The AMD system has 512Mb
RAM and the Intel 1Gb. 



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