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  Subject: how to associate documents in emacspeak?

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BTW, I have this for browse-url, which makes it easy to open a file
with a web browser from within dired and other places.

(global-set-key "\C-c\C-z." 'browse-url-at-point)
(global-set-key "\C-c\C-zb" 'browse-url-of-buffer)
(global-set-key "\C-c\C-zr" 'browse-url-of-region)
(global-set-key "\C-c\C-zu" 'browse-url)
(global-set-key "\C-c\C-zv" 'browse-url-of-file)

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
		  (lambda ()
			(local-set-key "\C-c\C-zf" 'browse-url-of-dired-file)))

This last bit sets up C-cC-zf as a shortcut for opening the file with
w3m rather than opening it for editing, which is the default behavior
if you hit enter. Note that in my txutils mode, I have advised the
view-file funtion so that if you hit v within dired, it will do
different things depending on the extension of the file. Note also
that I have chosen what may appear to be 'odd' key combinations for
the shortcut because that is what fits in best with my configuration.
Your milage my differ and alternative key bindings my be better for you.

You also need to configure browse-url to use your preferred web
browser - i.e. w3m or w3

Note that emacs has lots and lots of support for all sorts of things
and 90% of the time, you will find the functionality you want is
already there - it just needs to be configured. By default, many
things are not turned on because users needs differ widely and it is
often difficult to get consensus on what the "default" behavior should
be. You can usually find answers to many of these things on the
various emacs web sites, such as the emacs wiki at

Finally, I think its a mistake to be comparing emacs and emacspeak to
windows and JAWS. They are very different systems, with I think
different users in mind. If you are hoping to get a clone of the
functionality you have with windows and JAWS using Linux, emacs and
emacspeak, you are more than likely going to be disappointed. I think
one of the strongest advantage of Linux, emacs and emacspeak is that
it doesn't assume as much as Windows and JAWS about the user. While
some may disagree, I think the typical emacs and emacspeak user tends
to have more of an interest and understanding of the system compared
to many windows and JAWS users who approach their system as simply a
tool which helps them get their work done - work which is often
limited to web browsing, sending e-mail and accessing media files.
Many users have only a ver basic conceptual understanding of how the
computer and software works and the relationships between all the
bits. For Linux, emacs and emacspeak, you need a more developed
conceptual understanding in order to get the most out of the system.
This is not meant as a value statement, merely a statement that the
audiences for the two systems are different.


krishnakant Mane writes:
 > hello,
 > I will be interested to know if I can have emacs and thus emacspeak
 > automatically open documents according to their associated modes?
 > like for example when I am in the directory mode and browsing files
 > and folders, when I press enter on an html page, will it not be good
 > that w3m opens that page and it becomes accessible right away?
 > right now what I have to do is that when I want to read documents in
 > html format, I have to first open w3m and press g for the url and type
 > the path for the html page.
 > when I use jaws for windows as an example, I just press enter on any
 > html document and it opens in the internet explorer.
 > when we want to make a point clear that emacspeak is absolutely user
 > friendly, such small things make a big difference when we call it user
 > friendly.
 > thanks.
 > Krishnakant.
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Tim Cross

There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they 
understand and those who do not understand what they manage.

To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the
emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a
subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"

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