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Bug in emacspeak?

Dear all,

for a while, I've observed occasions when emacspeak refuses to speak a
line which contains punctuation characters, but no alphanumberic
characters even when punctuation mode is set to none.. I've not looked
into this at all, but wanted to see if anyone else experiences similar
behavior. I suspect its possibly a bug in the cleanup patterns used in
the tcl script, but this is just a wild arse guess. I'm wondering if
users with other synthesises experience the same problem (I'm using
ViaVoice). this may help me track down what the error is due to. 

Below is an example using a piece of ruby code. In this example, the
3rd line is not spoken unless punctuation is set to all. However, I
think it should still speak some of the characters if punctuation is
set to some, but this doesn't happen unless you also add some
non-punctuation characters.

def showRE(a,re)                             
  if a =~ re                                 
    "no match"                               

The reason I suspect this is a bug rather than a feature is because
its behavior is inconsistent. For example, if you add an alphernumeric
character to the end of the line - for example 'f', then the line is
spoken with all the $ characters and the f. Once you remove the f,
nothing is spoken, but I would have expected the dollar signs should
still have been spoken (this is with punctuation set to some). I've
also noticed that if you get this page spoken using page up and then
page down, the dollar signs do get spoken, but if you move through the
page using the down arrow or C-n, the line is blank. You also don't
hear the indent spoken.

I'm hoping someone using a different synthesizer which uses a tcl
script does not observe this inconsistency as this will give me
something to compare and assist in debugging these reasonably complex
regular expressions.

Tim Cross

There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they 
understand and those who do not understand what they manage.

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