
Re: Process speaker not running?

a few ideas:

first, to kill a running process, you do not need to reboot.
under lynux, you can go to another virtual terminal using the
alt+function keys, so if you login, start emacpeak and it will not let
you out, press alt+F2 and you will see a login prompt. Login, and do
ps (see man ps for details).  Once you know the process number you can
kill the offending process.  If you are runing X under linux you will
need to press CNTL + ALT + F2 to switch to number 2.

Ok, that should make experimenting easyer.  So now let's see why it's
not seeing your new driver.  How have you told emacpeak about this new
driver?  Convince me that emacspeak is still not looking for the
dtk-exp and just not finding it.  I switch between running a multivoice
locally and an express remotely on my machine (depending on weather I
am at home, "on the go" or at my desk (well realy "on my floor" would be
more accurate) at work.  So I have had to deal with getting emacspeak
to see the correct driver / hardware combination.  I do this by
setting the  DTK_PORT and DTK_PROGRAM variables based on where I am
logging in from.  If I recal Raman had an alternate solution.
Anyway, prior to starting emacspeak have you set these variables (with
setenv or set depending ou your shell)?  If not, try that.

Good luck,

Greg Priest-Dorman