
Re: Misconfiguration of Emacspeak 6.0

Dave Hunt writes:
>I am running the subject version of Emacspeak on a Slackware machine,
>using either the Doubletalk or the BNS driver, depending on what I'm
>If I start a terminal session by doing 'm-x term <ret>', No output is
>ever spoken.  I'm not sure whether the process is taking my input,
>either.  I have a feeling this is related to my problem with Shell
>mode.  When running an FTP session, for instance, None of the
>command's output is spoken.

Try the line sub-mode of term, which you reach using C-c C-j.  You can
return to character sub-mode using C-c C-k.  This is described in the
eterm section of the info pages.  Let me know if this does not help.

                                 - Jim Van Zandt