* Tues Nov 23 * **No class** * Recorded lecture: The link is posted in [[https://campuswire.com/c/G916D3D51/rooms/C6C8E8BB2 |the Section 2 room on campuswire ]] * **Fixed link: **[[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1aNspPxMFL9YOPSjLarqsMv4cX8oD-S5A?usp=sharing|colab notebook for recorded lecture]] * The material in the lecture the week after Thanksgiving will not depend on this but the next Assignment and/or Lab may, so please plan to watch it by Thursday evening 12/2. * **Assignment 7 deadline has been extended until Wed Dec 1** * Thursday Nov 24 * Happy Thanksgiving * **OPTIONAL** [[ https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1NQ8N_BrzBgTyfGKm_EmAMjHPYjdSKgri?usp=sharing | supplementary material on using JSON and APIs ]]. You will not be responsible for this material but you may find it interesting and useful for working with data from the web after you finish this class.