====== Fall 2021 Schedule ====== The table below is your guide to the entire semester. Each row corresponds to a week of the semester, and the week numbers in the first column are clickable links that connect this page to the lecture notes and other course materials for that week. The last column lists the sections in //Data-Centric Introduction to Computing// that correspond to the lecture material. The Mon/Wed columns list the lecture dates, and the Fri column lists the lab dates, for each week of the semester. The two midterm exam dates are highlighted, as is October Break and Thanksgiving when no classes meet. | @Silver: **Week** | @Silver: **Topics of the Week** | @Silver: **Mon** | @Silver: **Wed** | @Silver: **Fri** | @Silver: **DCIC Readings and Assignments** | | | @LightGreen: **[[week1|-1-]]** | @LightGreen: Introduction \\ Make-up Lecture \\ {{ :courses:cs101-2021-0405:2021-09-01.pdf |PDF}} | @LightGreen: 8/30 | @LightGreen: 9/1 | @LightGreen: 9/3 \\ [[lab1|Lab 1]] \\ Getting started | @LightGreen: [[top|Syllabus]] \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/part_intro.html#%28part._.Overview%29|1 Overview]] \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/getting-started.html|3 Getting Started]] \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/Naming_Values.html|4 Naming Values]] | | | @LightBlue: **[[week2|-2-]]** | @LightBlue: Evaluation \\ CPO Lecture Notes\\ [[https://code.pyret.org/editor#share=1uhrWenNHfylOcYjvFV5cFpjgk7t_aghk&v=1904b2c|ch-5-6.arr]] | @Orange: 9/6 | @LightBlue: 9/8 | @LightBlue: 9/10 \\ [[lab2|Lab 2]] \\ Conditionals and reading code | @LightBlue: [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/From_Repeated_Expressions_to_Functions.html|5 From Repeated Expressions to Functions]] \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/Conditionals_and_Booleans.html|6 Conditionals and Booleans]] \\ [[asmt1|Assignment 1]] | | | @LightGreen: **[[week3|-3-]]** | @LightGreen: Tables \\ CPO Lecture Notes [[https://code.pyret.org/editor#share=1nrKBR4HAiCHUn9yJqOPI1p4yshnq6VOf&v=1904b2c|ch-7.arr]] | @LightGreen: 9/13 | @LightGreen: 9/15 | @LightGreen: 9/17 \\ [[lab3|Lab 3]] \\ Tables | @LightGreen: [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/intro-tabular-data.html|7 Introduction to Tabular Data]] \\ [[asmt2|Assignment 2]] | | | @LightBlue: **[[week4|-4-]]** | @LightBlue: Designing Functions \\ {{ 2021-09-22.pdf |PDF}} | @LightBlue: 9/20 | @LightBlue: 9/22 | @LightBlue: 9/24 \\ [[https://www.cs.vassar.edu/~cs101/3/labs/04/|Lab 4]] \\ Cleaning table data | @LightBlue: [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/processing-tables.html|8 Processing Tables]] \\ [[asmt3|Assignment 3]] | | | @LightGreen: **[[week5|-5-]]** | @LightGreen:Tabular Data | @LightGreen: 9/27 | @LightGreen: 9/29 | @Red: 10/1 \\ Exam 1 | @LightGreen: | | | @LightBlue: **[[week6|-6-]]** | @LightBlue: Lists \\ {{ 2021-10-06.pdf }} | @LightBlue: 10/4 | @LightBlue: 10/6 | @LightBlue: 10/8 \\ [[https://www.cs.vassar.edu/%7Ecs101/3/labs/05/|Lab 5]] \\ Lists, maps, and more | @LightBlue: [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/tables-to-lists.html|9 From Tables to Lists]] \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/processing-lists.html|10 Processing Lists]] \\ [[https://www.cs.vassar.edu/~cs101/1/assignments/04/|Assignment 4]] | | | @LightGreen: **[[week7|-7-]]** | @LightGreen: Recursion | @LightGreen: 10/11 | @LightGreen: 10/13 | @LightGreen: 10/15 \\ [[lab6|Lab 6]] \\ Recurring, again and again | @LightGreen: [[https://www.cs.vassar.edu/~cs101/1/assignments/05/|Assignment 5]] | | | @Orange: **[[week8|-8-]]** | @Orange: //**October Break**// \\ No class | @Orange: 10/18 | @Orange: 10/20 | @Orange: 10/22 | @Orange: | | | @LightGreen: **[[week9|-9-]]** | @LightGreen: Data Types | @LightGreen: 10/25 | @LightGreen: 10/27 | @LightGreen: 10/29 \\ [[lab7|Lab 7]] \\ Data types | @LightGreen: [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/recursive-data.html|13 Recursive Data]] \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/intro-struct-data.html|11 Introduction to Structured Data]] \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/trees.html|14 Trees]] \\ [[https://www.cs.vassar.edu/~cs101/1/assignments/06/|Assignment 6]] | | | @LightBlue: **[[week10|-10-]]** | @LightBlue: Python | @LightBlue: 11/1 | @LightBlue: 11/3 | @LightBlue: 11/5 \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1HxFMdSkVcscH-Tudac44pSO4kWu40L-p?usp=sharing|Lab 8]] \\ Python practice | @LightBlue: [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/part_state.html#%28part._intro-python%29|23 From Pyret to Python]] | | | @LightGreen: **[[week11|-11-]]** | @LightGreen: Destructive Programming \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1hv7IP0zR93P3vp4za4mIbmhLiNElOPtt?usp=sharing|2021-11-08.ipynb]] | @LightGreen: 11/8 | @LightGreen: 11/10 | @Red: 11/12 \\ Exam 2 | @LightGreen: [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/part_state.html#%28part._modifying-variables%29|24 Modifying Variables]] | | | @LightBlue: **[[week12|-12-]]** | @LightBlue: Memory \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1va9eIO-qgh0uGmih5K0RcS-5cuieIDcr?usp=sharing|2021-11-15.ipynb]] | @LightBlue: 11/15 | @LightBlue: 11/17 | @LightBlue: 11/19 \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ccwWwH56-YYkdb5BIzPg6zJK-oMZ2zvl?usp=sharing|Lab 9]] \\ Data in Python | @LightBlue: [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/part_state.html#%28part._modifying-data-equality%29|25 Modifying Structured Data]] \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/part_state.html#%28part._revisiting-lists-vars%29|26 Revisiting Lists and Variables]] \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/11BhUdmdVigSAqX4rx3KRclCFPbe0Vsse?usp=sharing|Assignment 7]] | | | @LightGreen: **[[week13|-13-]]** | @LightGreen: Dictionaries \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1zuOzN7r4GLtEAytsnoCKHWT8xBpO_3mN?usp=sharing|2021-11-22.ipynb]] \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1GvJvJCUXNRVKkCcP6tBlOXjn9RDDMQ3I?usp=sharing|2021-11-22-new.ipynb]] | @LightGreen: 11/22 | @LightGreen: 11/24 | @Orange: 11/26 \\ No class | @LightGreen: \\ \\ [[https://dcic-world.org/2021-08-21/part_state.html#%28part._dictionaries%29|27 Hashtables and Dictionaries]] | | | @LightBlue: **[[week14|-14-]]** | @LightBlue: Tabular Data in Python \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ZGM01c6EhAiPLyVPQIWDrt_fGFgyl3yJ?usp=sharing|Tables_in_Python.ipynb]] \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1KxxCGopQRXu8nAcY9vYWJZiqdII9tnQ8?usp=sharing|Prediction.ipynb]] | @LightBlue: 11/29 | @LightBlue: 12/1 | @LightBlue: 12/3 \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1zFZErWjDkR-tM-8oGKFaD073xpYopep5?usp=sharing|Lab 10]] \\ Making Predictions (continued) \\ Practice using tables and dictionaries | @LightBlue: | | | @LightGreen: **[[week15|-15-]]** | @LightGreen: Computational Thinking \\ //**Wednesday is a Vassar Friday**// \\ CMPU-101 Wrap-up {{ 2021-12-06.pdf}}\\ [[http://go.vassar.edu/course/evals|CEQs]] \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1b7Yug7SP55EBH4HHFZNLcjdrXoLfkbRV?usp=sharing|Exam 3 Review]] \\ [[https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1sVvGp2gDzfZ8pGOBKG7P6Jj9nLWjUIDS?usp=sharing|Review solutions]] | @LightGreen: 12/6 | @LightGreen: 12/8 \\ **//Fri!//** | @Orange: 12/10 \\ No class | @LightGreen: | | | @yellow: **Final Exam** Thursday, December 16, 9am, Rockefeller Hall 200 |||||| | /********** | @yellow: \\ **Final Exam** \\ [[courses:cs101-201902:review|Review Session]]\\ Thu, Dec 19, 1-3pm , SP 309\\ \\ |||||| | | [[Review Session]] ^ //Wed, May 10, 1:30-2:45pm, SP 309// ||||| 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