Assignment 5: Much Ado About Lists

Assigned: Thursday, 6 October
Due: Friday, 14 October, 11:59 p.m. (This is later than usual; there isn’t an assignment going out next week)


This assignment draws on some basic ideas about analyzing text. For some of these problems, we will tell you whether to use the built-in list operations (like map and filter) or an explicit recursive function (written with cases) like those we’ve designed in class this week.


Set up: A literary endeavor

Task: Copy and paste this code into your file:

include shared-gdrive("dcic-2021",

include shared-gdrive("shakespeare-text.arr",


This provides you with book-text, a long text string, which you may recognize as Act I of William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing.

Task: Split book-text into a list of words, using Pyret’s string-split-all function. Name the resulting list of words split-text.

Part 1: Identifying characters

Let’s find the names of all the characters in the play. Following the usual style for a script, the names of characters are in ALL CAPS. To find which of the words in split-text are characters’ names, we want a function that takes a list of Strings representing a play and returns a list of every String that is a name of a character in the play, without duplicates.

Task: Write the function

fun find-characters(words :: List<String>) -> List<String>:

to find the unique character names in an input list, using only built-in list operators (no explicit recursion).


Part 2: Tallying lines per character

Let’s find out how much each character has to say! The ALL-CAPS names mark the beginning of each character’s spoken lines in the text, so finding how often a character’s name occurs in all caps tell us (approximately) how often they speak.

Because this involves a separate count for each character, this is best represented using a table. The table can have two columns, "name" and "count", and a row for each character. For instance, two entries would be:

name count

Task: Design a function

fun characters-table(char-names :: List<String>,
    play-text :: List<String>) -> Table:

that returns a table like above, where the rows for each character are in the same order that the names occur in the first input.

Do not use the built-in Table function count; the point of this exercise is to have you write that code for yourself.

There are two key tasks here:

  1. turning a list into a single-column table, and
  2. adding a column to a table from a list.

The starter code you included at the top provides functions for each of these tasks:

For example, this is how you could build a table of room seating capacity:

new-table = create-table-with-col("room", [list: "SC 006", "SP 309"])
add-col(new-table, "seats", [list: 20, 27])

While build-column can also add a column to a table, here we want you to practice programming with lists, so use add-col instead. You may use any combination of built-in operators and recursion to create the lists of column values.

You can solve this part however you like – using recursion, built-in operations, or both!

Part 3: Average word length

We now want to compute the average length of words in a list. While we could do this with a built-in mean function, it’s instructive to think about writing this out explicitly (because it’s a function you understand, but it illustrates a key point).

Task: Consider taking the average of the numbers in the list [list: 4, 5, 9]. Try to write out the sequence of where examples that reduce the list one element at a time. In a couple of sentences (in a comment), explain why this is harder than with other functions we’ve done this with in lecture.

When a function over lists doesn’t lend itself to developing such a sequence of examples, you have to break it into separate tasks, each of which can be done with a built-in list operator or expressed as such a sequence.

Task: Propose a list of tasks to compute the average length within a list of words. Write your list in a comment.

Now, using your task list as guidance:

Task: Write a function

fun average-word-length(list-of-words :: List<String>) -> Number:

that returns the average length of all words in the list, rounded to the nearest integer. (Use the built-in num-round to help with this.)

Raise an error if the list of words is empty.

You can implement the tasks however you like – using recursion, built-in operations, or both!

Part 4: Where art thou, Waldo?

Alarmingly, someone has defaced the text of Much Ado About Nothing, hiding the word "Waldo" somewhere in it.

Task: Write a function

fun find-waldo(text-string :: String) -> String:

that returns the word that occurs immediately after the first "Waldo" in that text. Solve this problem using a recursive helper function.

For example, if the string is

"the evening breeze rustled the Waldo leaves on the balcony",

then your function should return "leaves".

You may assume that "Waldo" will appear in the text and will not be the last word; you can choose the behavior of your function if either of these is not the case.


Now that we’ve seen recursion, we don’t need to rely on built-in functions like map or filter to work with lists. Try revisiting find-characters recursively:

Task: Write the function

fun find-characters-rec(words :: List<String>) -> List<String>:

to accomplish the same thing using explicit recursion. (You can still use distinct.)

If you haven’t yet seen how to write a recursive function that returns a list, read Section 10.4.

Submitting the assignment

  1. Hit Run then paste this check block into the Interactions Pane. All the tests should pass. If they don’t, that means you have a problem with one of the required functions.
    check "Function name and input checks":
      t = table: name :: String, count :: Number end
      check-list = [list: ]
      characters-table(check-list, check-list) is t
      average-word-length([list: "abcd", "ab"]) is 3
      find-waldo("Waldo hi") is "hi"
  2. Download your file (FileDownload) and ensure it’s named asmt05.arr.

  3. Upload your assignment on Gradescope.

Note: You can submit as many times as you want before the deadline. Only your latest submission will be graded.


This assignment contains material adapted from