====== Lab 5 ====== ~~NOTOC~~ ** CS203 ** \\ ** Spring 2017 ** \\ ===== Goals ===== * Implement a software system for managing a car rental agency. * Use Javdoc comments for all classes and methods. * Use a JUnit framework and create tests for all methods. ===== Activities ===== * This project is meant to be done with the same pairs of students that did the design phase together. * Please put both names on each paper submission. * All work for this project is to be submitted to a repository to be created for each team. Team names are RentalTeamn where 1<=n<=11 * Your repository address will be: https://github.com/Vassar-cs203/RentalTeamn.git * Teams consist of a pilot and a navigator. The pilot types, the navigator watches and suggests. Pilot and navigator roles should be switched every half hour or so. * You must create a new folder for your project that is outside of your CS203 folder. The new folder, named RentalProject, or something like it, will have it's own local git setup. * One person on a team will upload the project in its current state, and the other can download it to their own RentalProject folder. * NOTE: Here are some tips for creating jUnit tests. * Add the jUnit library - right click on the project folder, click on properties, click on libraries, add library jUnit 4.10 * Add a class such as Agent to the project by right clicking on the project folder. * Add a constructor method to Agent * Right click on the project folder * click on add . . . new . . . other . . . jUnit test * Specify AgentTest as the test name. Please end your test class names with 'Test' * You now have a blank test in the test packages folder * If you right click on the project folder and click on Test, all your tests will run