====== Final Projects ====== ~~NOTOC~~ ===== Teams ===== ^ Team # ^ Members ^ Database Project [database name] ^ Presentation ^ | 1 | Mafaz and Furrukh | e-commerce [''gobrew''] | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rKz1WJ4fJraOGj2oaJMS3C9zLT28wI8r2kyvEelFIO4/edit?usp=gmail|Presentation]] {{gobrew-sql-queries.txt |SQL}} | | 2 | Nhan, Muhtasim, and Jason | Pokemon [''pokebase''] | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JQEix_u24EP8nI34BgNDxA6PESCgsnGGBIMcq3mFsto/edit?usp=sharing|Presentation]] | | 3 | Michael and Oliver | NFL data [''nfldb''] | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14ZGspXHp_mwviHXyy033yvY5Kty7BtgS5p171-ZFqzs/edit?usp=sharing_eil_dm&ts=61a5450c|Presentation]] | | 4 | Jack and Gabor | board games database [''boardgames''] | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1F3E33pIqwp1h_1IAv-ls5uV-Nz9PaF5pJnOrwT9Z3NM/edit?usp=sharing|Presentation]] | | 5 | Ayo and Tiara | EDUC Lesson Mgmt System [''educlms''] | [[https://www.canva.com/design/DAExJDkMls8/tz93JbtakrMhl1_RrpJw1Q/view?utm_content=DAExJDkMls8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton|Presentation]] | | 6 | Hero and Szymon | bike trails of NY [''biketrailsny''] | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FVRGo6y44W7-JV5Z3HfbnPGfJdeq5gl92yTTAhh6lv8/edit?usp=sharing_eil_dm&ts=61ad6ecb|Presentation]] | | 7 | JoJo and Aaron | US Pandemic Effects [''paneffects''] | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h_L6wnOBK6s9B-0g6aR-bCdrnroQMXbD6RsBebC9MO4/edit?usp=drive_web|Presentation]] | | 8 | David and Tracy | EntreTable Startup Data [''entree''] | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eVOAbWnWPg_lOZmwqR_XCfVuuWPLjvrTlz0DSe1x33A/edit|Presentation]] | /**** ===== Project Ideas (Brainstorming) ===== * Recommendations DB for Books, TV shows, movies... * Student-run Rock museum - WARTHIN (local - Vassar) * Business accelerator / Venture Capital (source: non-profit.org) * Olympic-related (countries, events, ticket sales) (Kaggle) * Music Library - collections, composer, key, genre * Alumni - maybe CS-specific? (like Vassar Net) * Last.FM (Spotify, YouTube) - common tracks among users, most common for an individual user * Pokeman DB * Animals used in Scientific Research, what we do to them, etc. (local to Vassar) * Start-up DB - what kinds, trends for success/failure * Rate My Professor - integrate with AskBanner * Deece DB (menus, by day, when are certain foods served?) * Boardgame DB (search for board games based on attributes) * Data Analysis - from Government, pre/post pandemic, etc. * NFL DB - statistics, analysis, consistency among players * variation: at the team level, predictions ===== Old Database Project Ideas ===== - Video game interface (collects info on the game-playing goals, what players are doing / improve play - Tinder: info from a dating app, sort/analyze info; Tinder is not user friendly; goals: spot patterns, get the most out of using dating apps - Stars / Astronomical DB - for analysis - Exercise Program - one of VC's coaches keeps all this info on paper, enters into a spreadsheet (maybe); but could include lists of players, exercises, programs, progress... - Instagram DB - who you ever followed, when, when others followed you - Tinder, but for Movies: among friends, find movies both would like to see - VC Fencing Team (AskFred - DB on US fencers with APIs) - where does VC recruit from? etc. - DB for Artworks / Museums: what works? what medium? where kept? etc. - Oceanography - how depth and location affect distribution of elements - Song lyrics, enter lyrics, find song, etc. - Covid-related: campus policies -> incidents, how effective, compared to other institutions ***/