====== CMPU-334 ====== * [[courses:cs334-201851:top|CMPU-334, Spring 2018 Main Page]] * [[courses:cs334-201851:schedule|Schedule, including readings and assignments]] * [[courses:cs334-201851: Miscellaneous links/notes|Miscellaneous links/notes]] ===== Coaches Corner ===== Brian Haufler is the coach for our class. His "office" hours: * Sunday 8-10 * Wednesday 2:45-4 ===== Other Resources ===== - [[https://github.com/zryfish/ostep|github repository for some OSTEP examples (includes common.h)]] - [[http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/Homework/all.tgz|All homework programs from our textbook]] * tar -xzf all.tgz ==> will unpack all.tgz into individual homework chapters * you'll need to tar each individual homework chapter needed for 4/2 lab: * HW-ThreadsIntro * HW-ThreadsLocks * HW-Threads-RealAPI * alternately, you could download the individual homework assignments from: * [[pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/Homework/homework.html|The concurrency section of the homework]] ===== Linux Resources ===== * [[http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_learning_the_shell.php|Linuxcommand.org has some neat tutorials]] * [[http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~fthire/teaching/2016-2017/programmation-1/cheatsheet/shell.pdf|Command line cheat sheet]] * [[https://files.fosswire.com/2007/08/fwunixref.pdf|Another command line cheat sheet]] ===== gcc Resources ===== [[https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.4.4/gcc/Extended-Asm.html#Extended-Asm|Extended asm in gcc]] ===== java Resources ===== [[https://www.javaspecialists.eu/archive/newsletters.jsp?category=Concurrency&locale=en_US|java specialist concurrency articles]]