/* If you have not already done so, please begin the heading below with a date in YYYY-MM-DD format followed by a short description. This is what will appear in the event listing and the event list itself is sorted by this. */ ==== 2008-05-06 Asprey Lecture : WordNet ==== WordNet: An Electronic Dictionary for Humans and Computers\\ Christiane Fellbaum, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University May 6, 5:00PM, Rockefeller 300 This talk provides an overview of the contents, structure and uses of WordNet, a large lexical database developed and maintained at Princeton. Conceived originally as a model of human semantic memory, WordNet contains information about tens of thousands of concepts that are lexicalized in English. Because of its digital format, WordNet enables automatic systems to "understand" the meanings of words, to measure their semantic similarity, and to disambiguate words with multiple meanings. A powerful tool for Natural Language Processing, WordNet is used in a wide range of applications including information retrieval, question answering, machine translation and automatic reasoning and inference. New WordNets in dozens of languages open the door for cross-linguistic applications and studies of the lexicon.