==== 2012-05-02 MHVLUG talk: Git ==== **Git**\\ //Sean Swehla, IBM// [[http://git-scm.com/|Git]] is one of the leading distributed source code control systems. Originally developed to specifically help with workflows in the Linux kernel, git has seen rapid acceptance on a number of other projects due to it's flexibility and speed. Git takes a bit of education to use effectively, which this talk will hopefully provide. Sean Swehla by day is your average Architect for the IBM Worldwide Design Centers, but by night makes sure he earns the name Thor not just because of his viking god resemblance. Sean has notably been using git to drive development of android group projects for the [[https://github.com/SquidwrenchADD/sqwrGameworks|Squidwrench Android Study Collaborative]]. **Lightning Talks** * E-ink Android - Sean Dague * Building a custom Unity Lens - Sean Dague * Why you should care about jQuery.Deferred() - Chris Joslyn //*postponed*// Before the main talk we will do a series of lightning talks (up to 3), each 10 minutes or less, on something Open Source related. It could be a fun new program, a book, a blog post, or really anything you think the wider MHVLUG community would find some interest in. People that have posted their talk subject to the website in advance have priority. Time permitting, we'll also take impromptu lightning talks from the floor. The meeting space opens up at 5pm for pre meeting general discussion, question asking, show and tell, and setup. All are welcome to join. If you are planning on using the projector for your lightning talk, please arrive at 5:30 to ensure we can work out any kinks with the projector prior to the meeting. The meeting will take place at Taylor 203 - Vassar College on Wednesday, May 2 at 6 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public, and everyone from all levels of expertise and interest in Linux and Open Source Software are encouraged to attend (and bring a friend or two)! After each meeting ends everyone is welcome to join in on an informal dinner gathering at the Palace Diner on Washington St. This is a great opportunity to interact with members of the local Linux community, and a forum where questions and comments are strongly welcomed. For more details, including maps and directions, please see [[http://mhvlug.org/meetings/2012/git]].