/* If you have not already done so, please begin the heading below with a date in YYYY-MM-DD format followed by a short description. This is what will appear in the event listing and the event list itself is sorted by this. */ ====== An introduction to LATEX ====== ==== Vassar College Department of Mathematics Announces a lecture/demonstration ==== ==== John McCleary ==== Vassar College \\ Tuesday, September 17, 2013 \\ Rockefeller Hall 300 \\ 7-8:30pm \\ One of the most useful programming languages is TEX, constructed by Donald Knuth, and developed by Leslie Lamport into LATEX, the standard for mathematical typesetting over the last 25 years. If you want to be able to typeset your mathematical work, or even to typeset any of your assignments, LATEX can be very valuable. I will give a lecture/demonstration of elementary aspects of the LATEX programming language. If you have installed a version of TEX on your laptop, bring it along. On the MAC, install TEXshop. On machines running Microsoft operating systems, install MikTEX. Both of these versions of TEX are freely available on the Web.