**Apache Notes** This page is a place to make a note of the things I always forget when I don't configure apache for awhile. Restart with // /etc/init.d/apache2 [start|stop|restart]// \\ An alternative to the above is //apache2ctl [start|stop|restart]// \\ Also useful are //apache2ctl [graceful-stop|graceful|status|configtest]// \\ Apache config files live in // /etc/apache2 // \\ ==== Subversion ==== /home/svn/src - Public ANC repository \\ /home/svn/dev - Development ANC repository \\ /home/svn/graf - GrAF Subversion repository \\ ===== Trac ===== /home/trac/project_anc - ANC Wiki \\ /home/trac/project_graf - GrAF Wiki \\