Lab 3 - Spring 2021

Adding a little structure to your life

The main purpose of this lab is to practice

How to get started

  1. Open a browser and copy/paste this URL:

  2. Login to Github and you will be prompted to accept this assignment
    1. After you click on the [Accept this assignment] button, you will see a new page display in your browser with the message:
      1. You accepted the assignment, Lab 3 . We're configuring your repository now. This may take a few minutes to complete. Refresh this page to see updates.
    2. After you refresh the page you should see a page with the message: “You're ready to go!”
    3. Note: this will create your own copy of Lab 3 for you to work on, but it's not on your computer yet.

  3. Click on the URL where your assignment repository has been created:
    1. you are now on the GitHub page for your Lab 3 repository

  4. Click on the green button to download your [Code]
    1. a “Clone” dialog box will appear, with the HTTPS tab underlined in red (if not, click on the HTTPS tab to select it)
    2. select the last option labeled “Download ZIP” and save it on your computer
    3. move the Lab 3 zip file from its download location to the cs101 folder that you created during lab last week.
    4. extract the contents of the zip file either by double-clicking on it or control-clicking on it and selecting the appropriate option to extract its contents
    5. navigate into your lab3 folder and confirm you see the lab3.rkt file there

Now you are ready to write some functions using the Design Recipe!

  1. Launch DrRacket and open your lab3.rkt file

  2. Fill in your name where <YOUR NAME> appears in the comments at the top of the program.

  3. Develop the functions for the Exercises as described in your Definitions pane.
    • solve each exercise in order
    • follow the steps of the Design Recipe for each function (not all exercises require designing a function).
    • be sure your solution for each exercise includes all appropriate grading artifacts.

  4. When your program successfully runs, show it to me or one of our coaches and follow the procedure below to commit and push it back to GitHub.

Submitting your work