
Student Workstations

Student Workstation
Samira A. al101
Eura C. al102
Thomas D. al103
Margaret L. al104
Mehr N.-M. al105
Wesley O. al106
Ryan H. al107
Rose P. al108
Rachel S. al109
Tomas P. al115
Mohamad S. al117
Maddie T. al119

Database Project Ideas

  1. Video game interface (collects info on the game-playing goals, what players are doing / improve play
  2. Tinder: info from a dating app, sort/analyze info; Tinder is not user friendly; goals: spot patterns, get the most out of using dating apps
  3. Stars / Astronomical DB - for analysis
  4. Exercise Program - one of VC's coaches keeps all this info on paper, enters into a spreadsheet (maybe); but could include lists of players, exercises, programs, progress…
  5. Instagram DB - who you ever followed, when, when others followed you
  6. Tinder, but for Movies: among friends, find movies both would like to see
  7. VC Fencing Team (AskFred - DB on US fencers with APIs) - where does VC recruit from? etc.
  8. DB for Artworks / Museums: what works? what medium? where kept? etc.
  9. Oceanography - how depth and location affect distribution of elements
  10. Song lyrics, enter lyrics, find song, etc.
  11. Covid-related: campus policies → incidents, how effective, compared to other institutions


Team # Members Database Project [database name] Presentation
1 Samira Afreen and Eura Choi lyrics
2 Thomas Dadoly and Ryan Hornby vcsc (Vassar Course Schedule and Catalog)
3 Margaret Liu and Maddie Tong museum_collections presentation
4 Mehr Nasir-Moin and Wesley Olstad tube_stats (YouTube Analytics)
5 Rose Parker and Rachel Salvador vsa_funds_db
6 Tomas Ponce and Mohamad Safadieh ocean_db