2012-03-24 "VC Squared" - Entrepreneurship Program

Event date: March 24, 2012 3:00 PM ET

Vassar College
College Center 237
124 Raymond Avenue
Poughkeepsie NY 12604


“VC Squared”

The Office of Alumnae/i Affairs and Development and the Vassar College Venture Co-op host “VC Squared,” an inaugural entrepreneurship program that brings together entrepreneurial alumnae/i and students. They will gather on campus to meet each other and to discuss their ideas and concerns related to the formation of an entrepreneurship program and network.

Right now, students on campus are re-starting the entrepreneurship club while alumnae/i off campus are working to build a stronger and more active networking group focused on entrepreneurship and business education. Alumnae/i are invited to come to campus on that day and help make this event a success.

Please visit www.vcsquared.org for more information. All alumnae/i interested in this topic are invited to participate.

RSVP here if you plan to attend.