Table of Contents

CS Servers

Physical CS Department Servers

Date Number installed Disks Space
NAME type In Srv CPU & speed memory #xSize,type tot/used Function
Pacific x3650 2007.1 Xeon 4x3gig 12gig 6x73g,sas 272/135 Serves Virtual Hosts
mote33x3650 2007.1 Xeon 4x3gig 8gig 2x73g,sas 57/35 Remote account access via ssh/vnc
Atlantic x330 -2004 PIII 2×1.4g 4gig 2x36g,scsi 68/25 Serves Virtual Hosts 1)
Brick x330 -2004 PIII 2x1gig 1gig 2x36g,scsi 68/4 Firewall2)
mr42 x330 -2002 PIII 1x1gig 1gig 2x9gig,scsi 16/5 Web (squid) proxy3)
mail x330 -2004 PIII 2×1.4g 3gig 2x36g,scsi 32/5 Mail(webmail/pop/imap)4)
Files x36502008.11 Xeon 4×2.6g 12gig 6x73g,sas 272/140 user home space, master /usr/local file server
Filer x346 -2006 Xeon 4×3.6g 8gig 6x146g,u320 405/102 user home space file server
Filest x3550 2008.11 Xeon 4x2gig 6gig2×146,sas 120/62 Primary System Maps, NTP, mirror of /usr/local file server
munin thecus2007.12 Celeron 600MHz 256meg5x,sata 1.4T/1T Incremental Backups

Virtual Servers on Pacific and Atlantic

Name UpFunction
dhcp01 Primary DNS, dhcp and backup NTP for
ns2Seconday DNS, backup dhcp for
ratatoskJabber (xmpp) server
liam Seconday web servers (currently hosting +10 projects including the
raven system monitoring and system performace collection
spooler CUPS - print spooler
www web server for wiki and web site
version revision control server
yipe Secondary server for shaired system maps
icgl conference server - on as needed for conferences
yoursql local mysql server - on as needed for projects or courses
condor01 test head node for condor grid computing cluster
tomcat tomcat server - on as needed for course work

Physical Grant or Faculty severs

Name type cpu # speed Function
Spaceserver cluster Opteron 16x2gig Parallel processing course and reseach 5)
Aiptasia x235 Xeon 4x3gig Aiptasia Wiki6)
anc x335 Xeon 2x3gig web server 7)
bioinf cluster Opteron 16×2.4g In use for bioinformatics course and research 8)
Atlantic needs to be replaced ASAP
Brick exposed to high heat - needs to be replaced soon
mr42 should be decommissioned as soon as functions moved to new virtual
mail exposed to high heat - should be decommissioned as soon as functions moved to new virtual
Spaceserver - some functions will be taken over by other department clusters as they are implimented
should be migrated to newer hardware as it becomes available
ANC replacement on order
Bioinf - many functions will be taken over by the CCAS cluster machine