use context essentials2021 # A more realistic rumor mill, where each gossip can tell any number of other people -- i.e., an arbitrary tree import lists as L import math as M data Gossip: | gossip(name :: String, next :: List) end #| fun gossip-template(g :: Gossip) -> ...: doc: "Template for a function that takes a gossip" ... ... log-template( where: gossip-template(...) is ... end fun log-template(l :: List) -> ...: doc: "Template for a function that takes a list of gossip" cases (List) l: | empty => ... | link(f, r) => ... gossip-template(f) ... log-template(r) end where: log-template(...) is ... end |# GINNY-GOSSIP = gossip("Ginny", [list: ]) ROMILDA-GOSSIP = gossip("Romilda", [list: GINNY-GOSSIP]) VINCENT-GOSSIP = gossip("Vincent", [list: ]) DRACO-GOSSIP = gossip("Draco", [list: VINCENT-GOSSIP]) CHO-GOSSIP = gossip("Cho", [list: ]) PANSY-GOSSIP = gossip("Pansy", [list: DRACO-GOSSIP, CHO-GOSSIP, ROMILDA-GOSSIP]) fun count-gossips(g :: Gossip) -> Number: doc: "Count all the people who hear a rumor that the given gossip (person) knows" 1 + count-gossips-in-list( where: count-gossips(GINNY-GOSSIP) is 1 count-gossips(PANSY-GOSSIP) is 6 end # Straightforward recursive version fun count-gossips-in-list(log :: List) -> Number: doc: "Count all the people informed by the people in the list (assuming they're all different)" cases (List) log: | empty => 0 | link(f, r) => count-gossips(f) + count-gossips-in-list(r) end where: count-gossips-in-list([list: ]) is 0 count-gossips-in-list([list: DRACO-GOSSIP, CHO-GOSSIP, ROMILDA-GOSSIP]) is 5 end #| # Shorter version using higher-order functions fun count-gossips-in-list(log :: List) -> Number: doc: "Count all the people informed by the people in the list (assuming they're all different)" M.sum(, log)) where: count-gossips-in-list([list: ]) is 0 count-gossips-in-list([list: DRACO-GOSSIP, CHO-GOSSIP, ROMILDA-GOSSIP]) is 5 end |#